DEATH STILL (Det. Jason Strong (CLEAN SUSPENSE) Book 7) Page 9
“That’s where you’re wrong. I have to complete my art, and you’re not going to stop me.”
Roberts took the knife away from Claire’s throat long enough to cut one of the ropes, then quickly put the knife back. “Here’s how this is going to go. I’m taking her with me, and when I am away from here, I will release her.”
Jason shook his head. “I can’t let you do that, Roberts.”
Marcus nodded toward the husband. “You don’t have any choice. That nice young man over there is going to bleed to death if we stand here much longer.”
Jason looked over at Greg. The boy was keeping pressure on the wound, but he was definitely losing blood. “You may be right, Marcus, but I still won’t let you go.”
Marcus allowed a smile to cross his lips. “Oh, but you will.”
When Roberts took the knife away from Claire’s throat to cut the second rope, Jason fired. The bullet struck Marcus in the shoulder, spinning him around, and knocking him to the floor. The knife went careening across the room, and Jason jumped the remaining steps, getting to Marcus before he could move.
Vanessa had followed Jason into the basement, and when Jason turned around, he saw his partner tending to Greg. Jason cuffed Roberts, despite the moaning about his wound, and left him face down on the floor.
Claire had not been cut free, but Jason undid the knot, and she raced to her husband. “Greg!”
Vanessa was holding pressure on Greg’s throat, but the young man was turning pale. “Get me a towel.”
Claire ran to the laundry basket in the corner and returned with a towel, which Vanessa placed on the wound as she instructed Claire how to keep the pressure on correctly.
Jason was already on his radio, calling for backup and medical assistance. Within minutes, the house was vibrating with activity.
Jason stepped out of the hot sun and through the large double doors of San Antonio General. After letting his eyes adjust, he walked to the elevator, rode up to the second floor, and stopped at the nurse’s station.
The nurse pointed across the hall. “Room 2013.”
“Thank you.” Jason found the room and knocked on the door.
“Come in!”
He pushed the door open and walked into the dimly lit room. He saw Claire first, sitting by the foot of the bed, and then Greg. They both wore big grins. Claire got up and hugged Jason.
Greg, who still wasn’t talking much, waved at the detective. Jason was touched by their reception. “How are you two doing?”
“I’m doing great,” Claire chirped. “Thanks to you and Miss Layne.”
“And how about Greg. Is he on the mend?”
She reached out and rubbed his foot through the blanket. “He’s doing good, and since he can’t talk much yet, I don’t have to listen to him whine.”
Jason laughed, partly at Claire’s joke, but more because he was happy. To see these two kids, with the lives and opportunity that Marcus Roberts tried to take restored, filled him with satisfaction.
He turned to go. “I’ve got to take off. I just wanted to check on you.”
Greg held his hand out toward Jason, and Jason shook it. Claire jumped up and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you, again.”
“You’re welcome.”
Jason arrived at the station for his appointment. Looking at his watch, he realized he was ten minutes early and decided to walk the steps up to floor three.
When he popped out at the top, a crowd was gathered around Vanessa’s desk, and laughter filled the squad room. They didn’t notice Jason until he was right behind them. “Another party I wasn’t invited to! I’m beginning to take it personally.”
Vanessa, John Patton, Doc Josie, and Doc Davis, as well as Sarah Banks, all turned to look at him. Vanessa stood up and walked to where Jason stood. “It was kinda impromptu.”
“What’s the occasion?”
Vanessa put on a serious face, and pointed toward John Patton. “Detective Strong, I’d like you to meet Captain John Patton!”
Jason felt his face split into a giant grin. “Captain? Who made the mistake of promoting you?”
John Patton nodded. “I know, right! That’s exactly what I was thinking!”
Jason went over and shook his friend’s hand. “Congrats, John.”
Vanessa filled in the blanks. “Jesse Garcia signed on as Police Chief in Abilene, and John was picked to take his place. Lieutenant Banks is moving to Homicide.”
Jason turned to look at his new boss. “Congratulations, Lieutenant.”
“Thank you, Detective. Although, I’m not sure watching over a pair like you and Layne would be considered a good career move!”
Jason laughed. “I think you may have a point.”
Captain Patton stood up and gestured toward his old office. “Jason, let’s you and I go in here.”
Jason followed Patton in, shut the door behind him, and sat down in the familiar spot across from his friend. It was a shock to realize these conversations were going to stop being a regular part of his day.
The captain sat on the edge of the desk. “You know the drill. I’ve got to put you on paid leave, but just until the investigation of the shooting is over.”
“I know, John.”
“The shooting was justified, so after Internal Affairs dots their I’s and crosses their T’s, you’ll be reinstated.”
Jason stood, putting his hand on his friends shoulder. “It’s no problem, John. In fact, don’t hurry.”
John Patton’s bushy eyebrows curled into a question. “I’m sorry?”
Jason opened the office door, turned and looked at his friend. “I promised Sandy a vacation. We leave when I get home, and I’m in no hurry to get back.”
“Ohhh, I see.” They shook hands again. “You know these I.A. investigations. By the time all the paperwork is done, they can take a couple weeks.”
Jason smiled at his friend. “I was counting on that.”
A Note from the Author
Dear Reader,
I want to thank you for taking time to read the latest installment in the Jason Strong series.
I mentioned at the end of the previous novel changes were coming, and we have seen some of them in this book. John Patton will have a different roll in the future and we will all get to know Sarah Banks even better.
I’m a fan of Sarah, and I look forward to seeing where her new position will take her and how our two detectives deal with their new boss.
Thank you again to all of you who took time to write. It is such a lift to the spirit. In what I hope is good news to my readers, events have led to me having more time to devote to my writing, and thus more books for you to read.
I welcome your letters at: , or my website
You can also visit Jason at his Facebook page:
God Bless,
John Dalglish
May 1, 2014
I John 1:9
Cover by Beverly A. Dalglish