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- John C. Dalglish
john c. dalglish
Dear Reader,
Before you embark on what I hope will be an enjoyable read, I wanted to address an issue that has presented itself in the early reviews of the first book in this series, CROSSOVER.
I am a Christian. I believe in the plan of salvation and the infallibility of the Word of God. In writing this series, I have attempted to remain true to the character and love of our Lord.
Having said that, I must tell you this book is written for pure enjoyment and fun. The concept of Chasers and Runners is purely a fiction of my mind, and a vehicle for the story.
It is not my desire to put forth any suggestion of this being a reality of the Spirit world.
It is fantasy and fun.
So please enjoy, and rest assured that my only goal was to entertain without any of the junk the world puts in its books.
God Bless, John
Excerpt from JOURNEY (The Chaser Chronicles #2)
When we arrived back at the waiting room, Sarah was wearing a smile. The doctor was standing next to her, his head going up and down. He turned and walked away as we came up.
Sarah stood and hugged me. “We have good news.”
I pulled back and looked at her. “What?”
“They’ve detected electrical impulses in Buddy’s brain. It’s still swollen, but the doctor said that’s a very good sign, and hopes the swelling will begin to subside over night.”
I hugged her again. “That’s great, Sarah.”
“He’s not out of the woods by a long shot, but it’s a step in the right direction.”
Brother Edwards was talking on the phone, and when he hung up, he came over to us. “Journey’s congregation is rejoicing and continuing to pray.”
I looked at Mandy, then Sarah. “I need to talk to Gary. Okay if I leave Mandy with you?”
“Of course.”
I stepped into the hall with Gary. “I’m going after Harbinger.”
“You can’t, not yet.”
“I don’t mean now, but I’m going after him in October.”
“The next date of his visitation to the family plot?”
“Yes, but I need to do something first. That’s why I asked you out here.”
“Okay, what’s up?”
I looked over his shoulder, watching Mandy comfort Sarah, then back at Gary. “Buddy once told me he informed Sarah of his ministry before he married her.”
“That would be standard practice, but only after a Chaser is certain the woman will be his partner, both in marriage and ministry.”
“What happens if it doesn’t work out? What if she and I don’t make it like Buddy and Sarah, what then?”
Brother Gary looked over his shoulder, then back at me. “Detective Myers?”
I nodded.
“Well Jack, here’s the deal. If she can’t accept your ministry after being exposed to it, and the events surrounding it, she would be taken the same as a person contacted by a Runner.”
I slumped against the wall.
If I tell her about Chasing, and she accepts it, but can’t deal with it later, she’ll die. If I don’t tell her, I risk losing her anyway.
“Is just telling her enough to put her in danger?”
“No, not by itself. But if she believes in the ministry, and moves forward with it, there will be no turning back.”
I shook his hand. “Thank you, Brother.”
We walked back to where Sarah and Mandy sat. “I’ve got a dog at home who no doubt is hungry. I need to go, Sarah.”
She got up and hugged me again. “I understand.”
“Call me if anything changes?”
“You’re the first.”
“Good. Mandy, can you walk out with me.”
“Of course.”
I still had Buddy’s keys, and when we arrived down at the Impala, I turned Mandy to face me. “There’s a lot I have to tell you, BUT…you have to be sure you’re ready. Once I share this with you, there’s nothing I can do to protect you, from both the knowledge of what I do and what it means.”
“Jack Carter, if you think it’s important enough to risk your life for, then I want to know what it is.”
“Okay, then get in your car and follow me. We have a lot to discuss.”
“Lead away!” she said, laughing. “I’ll follow.”
I hope she says that AFTER I’ve told her everything.
chapter 1
I couldn’t make myself sit down. With so much on the line, at least from my point of view, I kept pacing the living room from end to end. I was rubbing my hands together as well, and I never did that.
“Jack, what is wrong with you?”
Mandy had been watching me go back and forth for the last forty-five minutes. She was sitting on the couch, iced tea in her hand and Bear by her feet.
Bear was my Bernese Mountain dog, a gift from both my mother and the Lord, and had given up following me with her eyes about a half hour ago. She was sleeping, or maybe had just closed her eyes from boredom.
I stopped and looked at Mandy. Her blonde hair was still tied up in a bun, and she still had her detective clothes on. We had driven to my home after leaving Buddy at the hospital. “Are you sure?”
“Jack, that’s the fourth time you’ve asked me! I’m sure!”
Finally, I sat down next to her and took both her hands in mine. “I know, I know, and I’m sorry. It’s just I’m afraid.”
Her face softened. “Afraid of what, Jack?”
“Two things.”
“Okay. What’s number one?”
I smirked at her. “Number one is you’ll think I’m crazy.”
“Oh, Jack. It’s too late for that. I already do!”
We laughed together, still holding hands. Her greens eyes stayed fixed on me. “And number two?”
“Number two is the biggie…I’m afraid you’ll reject the truth.”
A puzzled look possessed her face. “Why would I reject anything that was truth?”
I reached up and stroked her cheek, thrilled I could finally do it after wanting to for so long, and soaked in the love I saw in her eyes. “You could reject it because what I tell you will sound like fantasy, not truth. What I have to tell you goes outside anything you’ve ever recognized as being truth.”
She took my hand away from her face. “Jack Carter, either you tell me what this secret ministry is you keep going on about or I’m leaving right now!”
Okay, Jack. This is where the rubber hits the road. It’s time to fish or cut bait. Either crap or get off the pot. Coward! Quite using old clichés, and stop stalling!
I got up from the couch and crossed the room to my leather chair. Sitting down opposite Mandy, I sucked in a deep breath, and started.
“Mandy…” I froze.
“Jack...” She imitated me, grinning.
“Mandy,” I started again. “Did I tell you how nice you look today?”
“That’s it!” She stood up, heading for the door. “I’m outta here!”
I jumped up, grabbing her arm. “No… No, I’m sorry. Sit down and I’ll tell you.”
She stared at me. “Last chance, Jack Carter.”
“I know. I promise.”
She relented and retook her seat.
For the second time, I drew in a deep breath, and began. “Mandy…I’ve thought about telling you this since the first day I found out, but I was never sure where to start. I could describe the ministry in general terms…or tell you some of the things I’ve done and how.”
“Jack, w
hy don’t you just start at the beginning?”
“Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”
A third deep breath, and I was off and running. “The ministry I’m involved with is called Chasing. My first connection with this ministry was on a weekday several months ago. I was on my way into work, had just parked, and someone cracked me over the head. When I came to, I was inside my office, tied to a chair.”
She sat watching me, her mouth slightly open, but no words coming out.
Keep going, Jack!
“The person who put me there was this rather large individual who calls himself Harbinger. You know him as Steve Mason.”
“The guy from the gas station who told me to say hi to you?”
I nodded.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I could have arrested him right there.”
“I couldn’t. You’ll see why soon enough.”
“Anyway, Harbinger had attacked me and tied me up to give me a warning.”
“Did he have to hit you over the head to give you this warning?”
“That’s what I said!” I groaned. “Anyway, his warning was about the ministry of Chasing. He said I would be called to Chase, and if I wanted to stay alive, I should not get involved.”
She was getting aggravated. “He threatened to kill you?”
Again, I nodded.
“You know that’s a crime, right?”
I gave her a sarcastic glare. “Of course! There’s more.”
“Okay, I’m sorry. Please continue.”
“After he warned me, he disappeared, and a man...”
“Wait, what do you mean ‘disappeared’?”
“Just what it sounds like. There one minute and gone the next.”
“Gone where? Out the window, out the door?”
I could see a skepticism creeping onto her face. “He was just gone. I later learned he had transformed back to spirit, and I couldn’t see him.”
“You’re putting me on, aren’t you?”
“Mandy, everything I’m telling you is the truth. I promise.”
“Okay… I interrupted again, sorry.”
“It’s okay. I know it sounds far-fetched, but let me finish.”
I have to give her credit for not leaving already, because as I’m listening to myself, it sounds crazy to me. Anyway, the die has been cast, (another cliché I know), and so there’s no turning back.
“After Harbinger was gone, a man came into the office. It was Buddy Daniels. He was looking for Harbinger and had tracked him to me.”
“So,” she interrupted, “Buddy could see the invisible guy?”
“Because Buddy is a Chaser.”
Mandy stood up and started pacing. She was quiet for a few minutes, and I sensed she was deciding whether to leave, but eventually she sat back down. “Continue.”
“Well, Buddy untied me, and told me not to pay attention to Harbinger’s warning, and that I needed to decide for myself.”
“You mean decide if you want to be a Chaser?”
“Yes, but he wouldn’t tell me what a Chaser was. He said someone would come and deliver the choice.”
Her hand went up. “Choice?”
“To chase or not to chase.”
She lowered her hand.
I plunged on. “So, the next thing I know, Buddy is gone and I’m alone. My head hurt, so I went home and slept.”
I paused to let stage one of the explanation sink in. “Would you like some more tea, Mandy?”
She handed her glass to me, a distant look in her eyes and no emotion on her face.
When I returned with the tea, Mandy was gone.
I sat in my chair for nearly half an hour, thinking my future with Mandy was over before it even got started and wondering what I could have said different.
I know you wanted me to tell her, Lord. At least, I thought so. Did I get it wrong? Did I miss something? What should I do now?
In the confusion of seeing Mandy gone, and the sadness that overtook me, I’d failed to notice Bear was also gone.
I walked back into the kitchen, and then into the bedroom. “Bear?”
Did Mandy take her?
The front door pushed open. “She’s out here with me.”
Mandy and Bear were sitting together on the porch. I hadn’t even checked to see if her car was gone, figuring she’d run at the first opportunity. I should have known better, Mandy doesn’t run from anything.
I stayed where I was. “Are you coming back in?”
She didn’t answer for several minutes, but finally, she stood up and brought Bear back in with her. She settled on the couch, waited for me to sit down, and fixed me with a blank stare. “Continue.”
She doesn’t believe me. What now? Should I crack a smile, tell her I was pulling her leg, and let it go? No, she deserves better than to have me lie to her, and especially about a truth such as this. Strike while the iron is hot, Jack! (I can’t help myself with clichés.)
“So, that night I had a dream, only it wasn’t a dream. It was a visit from the Lord Himself, and He had a message to deliver.”
Her eyes went into the suspicious squint that appeared whenever she questioned a suspect. “A message? What kind of a message?”
“Well, essentially, he validated what Buddy had told me. I had a choice, to serve as a Chaser or not.”
“How did you know it was Jesus?”
I shrugged. “I can’t explain it, but if it ever happens to you, you’ll have no doubt it’s Him.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” There was sarcasm in her voice.
I’m losing her, Lord. What should I do?
I kept going. “The next morning, Buddy Daniels was on my doorstep, ready to explain the ministry.”
I got up now, and started slowly walking the room, choosing my words carefully. “Buddy explained there was a whole other world, a spirit world, which we can’t see around us. It’s the world of the Holy Spirit, life after death, and the Book of Revelation. It’s of angels, heaven, and worship.”
I glanced at Mandy, checking to see if she was still listening or if she had shut down. She could tell what I was doing. “Go on. I’m still listening.”
There was no warmth in her voice.
“So the ministry, called Chasing, is about finding and crossing over Runners.”
I expected more questions, but she stayed silent.
“He told me a Runner is someone who has died, and during the journey to the other side, finds the power to run back to our world. Usually, they’re trying to get to someone or someplace, and it’s the Chaser’s job to stop them, and send them back over before they can interact with this world.”
“What happens if they interact?”
“The people they interact with will be taken.”
“Crossed over.”
“Killed! Why?”
“Because their decision to follow the Lord will no longer be based on faith, but on knowledge.”
Mandy stood up. “Okay, Jack, you told me you were giving me the truth, and I believe you’re not lying to me in your mind, but I think I’ll go and try to sort this out.”
Inside, I was dying. I wanted to do this right. I wanted her to believe, to join me, to stand with me in this ministry. But I understood her struggle. I had spiritual signs to demonstrate to me what I was being told was the truth, and she only had my word, along with some circumstantial evidence.
“I understand. Please know this, I love you. And I wouldn’t lie to you. Every word is true.”
She looked at me with an odd stare.
Was that sadness in her eyes? If it was, is it because she doesn’t believe me, or because she thinks I’m delusional?
“I know you love me, Jack. I love you, too, but…”
She turned to the door and left without finishing her sentenc
I stood in the living room, looking down at Bear.
But what?
Chapter 2
The next morning I was up early. I had called Mandy before going to bed but her phone had gone to voicemail. I needed to talk to her, to make sure she was okay.
Before trying to track her down, I decided to go to the hospital and check on Buddy. The last I’d heard from his wife, Sarah, was he was still in a coma, but the swelling on his brain was subsiding.
I thought back to the confrontation with Harbinger at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. I’d had no choice but to shoot my mentor with a Taser gun. He fallen on a headstone and cracked his skull. An involuntary shudder ran through me from the memory.
I arrived at the hospital just as visiting hours were starting. Buddy was still in the Intensive Care Unit, and I found Sarah in the ICU waiting room. She stood when I came in, a tired smile creasing her face as she hugged me.
She hung on tightly, not wanting to let go, but finally relenting. Buddy and Sarah had never had any children, instead focusing on the ministry, so she’d probably been alone most of the night. I followed her to where she was sitting and sat down next to her.
Her hair was pulled up in a messy gray bun, and her eyes bore the redness of tears. I took her hand. “How’s he doing?”
“The doctor stopped by this morning. He said Buddy’s brain was continuing to improve, and they should be putting his skull back together tomorrow.”
The doctors had left a piece of Buddy’s skull off to prevent the swelling from doing permanent damage.
“That’s good, Sarah. Are they still registering electrical impulses from his brain?”
This was very good news, and my attention now turned to the woman in front of me, and her well-being. “Have you had anything to eat?”
“No, not since yesterday afternoon.”
I used my best big brother voice. “Sarah Daniels! What would Buddy say if he knew you weren’t taking care of yourself?”